How to Start

How to Start Couponing

Couponing is such a wonderful way to save money and provide for yourself and your family. I am sure that you hear about the savings that someone else may have and you want to just jump right in and save also. Well guess what? You can save but you do not want to jump into it to fast. There is so much to learn about couponing and different strategies that can be used that I could go on for a very long time. I am here to help you learn the magic of coupons and save the most money possible. Please just remember that it can be overwhelming but if you take it one step at a time you will be a pro in no time. 

The number one thing you want to do to start couponing is to collect coupons. There are a number of ways you can get coupons.  You can get internet printable coupons, newspaper coupons, store coupons, catalinas, blinkies, peelies and tear pads.
Some of the most important things you are going to need to begin couponing are:
  1. coupons
  2. a coupon binder
  3. scissors
  4. baseball card holder/sheet protectors
  5. Calculator
  6. notebook
  7. pen/pencil

You have to be organized to coupon successfully. Before you know it you will have a binder full of coupons and if not organized it can be very overwhelming. Make sure you watch our binder video to see how I organize my coupons.

I highly recommend going to a coupon class to learn how to be Centsibly Savvy. Every store has it's own policy for using coupons. Some stores allow you to stack (use a store and manufacturers coupon) others offer rewards or ups. I highly recommend to start with one store at a time. There are different things to learn about each store so take your time.
 Continue your normal shopping as you start to build your stockpile. It will make it less overwhelming and you can learn all the tricks to be Centsibly Savvy without stressing out. Couponing should be fun.

Look at our class section to get information about hosting or attending a class. There is so much to learn but it can be very fun. Let's have a coupon class so you and your friends can all learn together.