
Centsibly Savvy does teach couponing to groups at this time. There are two types of classes. The first one is a basic couponing class where you will learn the basics to couponing. You will also learn how to organize your binder, where to get coupons, coupon ethics and more. The next type of class is the more advanced class where we will go into specifics about stores in the area, online deals, and Centsibly Savvy ways to save in more areas of your life then just groceries. Classes are $12.00 a person. You will save more then that on your first shopping trip with coupons. If you are interested in hosting a class please contact me at and send your information, including the type of class, date/time you are wanting a class and your general location. You will be contacted shortly. I strongly recommend the basic class first.There is a minimum of 10 people required to have a class and a maximum of however many you can seat in your location. Registration and payment is required ahead of time. The host(ess) of the class does not have to pay the fee. Classes are such a great way to learn about couponing in a fun environment. We will have door prizes and the host(ess) will receive a special gift. Thank you for choosing Centsibly Savvy to teach you how to save money.

To request information or schedule a class, please Contact Us.

If you host a class in the month of July everyone who attends will receive 4$ off in honor of Independence day.

The fine print- Pre registration and pre payment is required to receive the $4.00 off special. Limit one $4.00 off special for eac2 full payment.For payment made at the door price is full 10$ for each person. If class if full then entries at the door may be declined due to space.